Cyprus crocus Crocus cyprius Cyprus crocus is a rare endemic flower of Cyprus and it is strictly protected. It is a perennial herbaceous plant, growing from 5 to 10cm in height. It has 3-4 leaves, erect, dark green, long, somewhat wide. Flowers are white to lilac, with dark violet stripes or patches externally at base. Cyprus cyclamen Cyclamen cyprium Cyclamen cyprium is one of the 23 known cyclamen species. It belongs to the island’s endemic flora and has been selected as the country’s national flower. It is a perennial herbaceous plant, growing from 7 to 15 cm in height. Leaves are simple, heart-shaped rather fleshy with coarsely toothed edges. The bottom surface of the leaves has a characteristic rich purple or crimson-purple colour. It occurs in the greater part of the island.