ARI REVIEW FOR 2016-2017

emerging diseases of citrus cultivation. Enimerotiko Deltio 7, Agricultural Research Institute Publications (ISSN 1986-1370). Nicosia, Cyprus (in Greek). 28p. Soteriou, G.A., M.C. Kyriacou, and L.C. Papayiannis. 2017. The physiological decline of melon. Enimerotiko Deltio 8. Agricultural Research Institute Publications (ISSN 1986-1370). Nicosia, Cyprus (in Greek). 23p. SEMINARS A total of three seminars and day conferences were presented in 2016 and four in 2017. The seminars were chaired by Mr. A. Kyratzis and Mrs. M. Emmanouilidou March 4, 2016 E. Maloupa and Yiannis Zalidas: Practical workshop on aromatic and medicinal plants June 24, 2016 P. Polycarpou and associates - Workshop: Applications of Shallow Geothermal and Solar Energy in Greenhouses September 30, 2016 L. Papayiannis: Aphid transmitted viruses infecting crops in Cyprus March 2, 2017 A. Christou, P. Hadjegeorgiou, P. Karaolia, E. Hapeshi, L. Ioannou-Toffa, S. Michael, V. Beretsou, D. Fatta-Kassinos: Challenges and opportunities in reclaimed wastewater reuse for irrigation – Day conference June 8, 2017 A. Stylianou, M. Omirou and associates: The organic market in Cyprus: from farm to fork – The results of LIFE+ ORGANIKO project September 13, 2017 G. Hadjipavlou: The EU-funded Research Project AGRΙCYGEN - Launch Event December 8, 2017 A. Christou, E. Georgiadou, C. Christofi, A. Zissimos, I. Christoforou, G. Papadavid, G. Nicolaou, P. Dalias, D. Neocleous: Integrated management of irrigation water and polluted water bodies, with emphasis in hexavalent chromium pollution. – Day conference 84 Publications 2016-17