ARI REVIEW FOR 2016-2017

knowledgeable and non-knowledgeable farmers, the former demonstrating better acknowledgement of the environmental, economic and social sustainability of PA. Important educational needs were also detected, with group and individual methods being the most preferred ones for education and information campaigns. The results of the analysis could be of use for the design of Common Agricultural Policy Pillar II measures for the promotion of PA targeting to specific audiences and actors. ( G. Papadavid ) DISSEMINATION ACTIVITIES The Section is responsible for maintaining the ARI website and various social media network services. ARI publications since 1965 have been digitised and full-text articles are available from the Institute’s website The Rural Development Section makes use of several social networking tools such as Facebook,, Twitter , YouTube , SlideShare , and maintains also a web blog at . These services are used to share information about several topics related to ARI activities, while the blog website is used for sharing articles, news and updates from the ARI research activities. It’s worth mentioning that there is a steady increase of the users-visitors in our social networking tools. There is a strong positive correlation between the number of published items and the number of visitors. ( G. Adamides ) 71 Rural Development