ARI REVIEW FOR 2016-2017

FRUIT TREES Research activity in the Fruit Trees Section encompasses methods of managing yield and quality of fruit trees and vines and optimising production cost. In viticulture, research work on evaluation of table grape and wine grape varieties and rootstocks, as well as ampelographic description and conservation of traditional grape varieties continues. Local clones of pomegranate and several cherry varieties are evaluated. Current research activity in citriculture focuses on rootstock-scion relations on calcareous soils and the evaluation of citrus varieties as scions grafted onto different rootstocks with respect to productivity and quality. The conservation, management and evaluation of local olive genetic resources remain a key priority. Evaluation of olive genetic resources entails the elaiotechnical characterisation of olive oil as well as the physicochemical characterisation of olive fruit and olive paste with respect to clonal ripening profiles. VITICULTURE Evaluation of table grape varieties Evaluation of new and traditional table grape varieties under different environmental conditions is undertaken at the Saittas and Acheleia Experimental Stations. In Saittas, the newly introduced table grape varieties Red Globe, Superior, Fantasy Seedless, Crimson Seedless, Autumn Royal, Sublima and the traditional varieties Veriko and Sideritis are under evaluation in terms of yield, quality and earliness. At the Acheleia Station, in addition to the above, the varieties Prima, Black Emerald, Early Superior, Summer Muscat, Ora, Victoria, Italia, Calmeria and Flame Seedless were also introduced for evaluation. ( S. Savvides ) Evaluation of table grape varieties grafted on American rootstocks The imported table grape varieties Crimson Seedless, Autumn Royal, Fantasy Seedless, Black Emerald and the autochthonous varieties Veriko and Sideritis grafted on the American rootstocks 110 Richter, 3309 Couderc, 41B, 99 Richter, 420A, 1103P and 140 Ruggeri are evaluated in terms of yield, fruit quality and earliness. The table grape varieties Fantasy Seedless, Black Emerald and the autochthonous varieties Veriko and Sideritis are evaluated at the Acheleia Experimental Station and Autumn Royal at the Saittas Experimental Station. Crimson Seedless is evaluated at both locations. ( S. Savvides ) Collection and Conservation of table grape varieties The aim of this project is to collect and preserve all the table grape varieties imported in Cyprus over the years. At the moment a collection of 53 varieties has been established at the Acheleia Experimental Station. The collection of other table grape varieties continues. ( S. Savvides ) Evaluation and tests for Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS) of traditional wine grape varieties The traditional varieties Mavro, Xynisteri, Ofthalmo, Spourtiko, Maratheftiko, Morokanella, Malaga and Lefkada are evaluated in terms of yield and quality in comparison to the imported varieties Mataro, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc. The above varieties are also tested for distinctness, uniformity and stability in order to meet the Council Regulation 2100/94 on Community Plant Variety Rights. ( S. Savvides ) Collection and ampelographic description of traditional table and wine grape varieties Acquisition of primary and secondary descriptor data continues, according to the International Organisation of Wine and Vine (OIV) standards, for the traditional table grape varieties Veriko and Sideritis and the wine grape varieties Mavro, Xynisteri, Ofthalmo, Spourtiko, Maratheftiko, Morokanella, Omio, Promara, Skouro Mavro, and Kanella. ( S. Savvides ) 23 Fruit Trees