Cyprus still occupied still devided 1974-2018

with political equality, as set out in the relevant Security Council Resolutions and the High Level Agreements. It also reaffirmed that any settlement should ensure the common future of all Cypriots within the EU. From May 2015 to June 2017, negotiations proceeded intensively and significant progress was reached on an important number of issues. Regrettably, the International Conference on Cyprus, which was mainly focused on security and guarantees post-settlement, at Crans Montana, Switzerland (28 June – 07 July 2017), concluded without result, due to Turkey’s insistence to have the right to unilaterally intervene in Cyprus, to retain an anachronistic system of guarantees and to permanently maintain troops on Cyprus after the settlement. Ever since, Turkish rhetoric openly challenges the UN- established parameters and the goal of reunification. The Turkish side insists on the same positions which led the Conference in Crans Montana to an unsuccessful conclusion; furthermore, the Turkish side has escalated its threatening rhetoric and provocative actions in Cyprus’ Exclusive Economic Zone. The Greek Cypriot side remains committed to reunification within the UN-established parameters for a bi-communal, bi-zonal federation, as any alternative to those parameters does not serve the interests of either Greek Cypriots or Turkish Cypriots. The President of Cyprus has repeatedly reiterated his readiness to continue negotiations from the point terminated in Crans Montana and on the basis of the framework presented by the UN Secretary-General during the Conference. PHOTO: Katia Christodoulou