MIM MBA Prospectus

16 M a s t e r i n B u s i n e s s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Strategic Management The course provides an understanding of strategic analysis, strategic decisionmakingandthestrategicprocesswithinandbetweenorganisations. As a result, students are able to critically appraise, evaluate and discuss strategic decisions and the management challenges involved in managing change and implementing strategic plans. Entrepreneurship The main objective of the unit is to enable students to identify, appreciate, and assess the attitudes and skills of an entrepreneur and develop the necessary skills for business start-up in today’s challenging business environment. Business Law This course is intented to help students attain a basic understanding of the Cyprus legal system particularly in relation to the operation of businesses. Organisational Behaviour This course addresses concepts and theories from a variety of disciplines, such as psychology, sociology, social psychology, anthropology and political. This interdisciplinary approach will challenge the student to integrate knowledge from the aforementioned topics. The MBA students will develop among others, interpersonal and communication skills, as well as decision making skills. Feasibility Studies The primary objective of the course is to introduce the feasibility studies and make students adept in the process of testing and validating new business ideas in the market place. The course introduces the different methods of financial analysis and valuation in a feasibility study and explains and analyses the main areas of analysis in a feasibility study.