MIM MBA Prospectus

14 M a s t e r i n B u s i n e s s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n techniques, methods, models and tools used in the scientific approach to the analysis and solution of quality-related management problems. The course is highly interactive and enables students to acquire an operational knowledge of the modern approach to problem solving for continuous improvement, both crucial in enhancing the competitiveness of an enterprise. Managerial Accounting This course introduces students to the area of managerial accounting and the fundamental managerial accounting concepts. Students are exposed to managerial methods and techniques in performing the major functions of planning, controlling, directing and decision making. It also provides knowledge of basic cost terminology, cost and CVP analysis and budget preparation. Marketing Tools & Techniques As a continuation of the Marketing Management course of the 1st term, the course aims at giving the students the opportunity to put Marketing Research knowledge acquired, into practice through the design and execution, in small groups, of an actual research project. The course demonstrates how a research project is designed, executed and/or supervised and enables students to understand if/when research, is the appropriate tool to handle amarketingproblemand/ormake amarketing decision. Additionally, students are introduced to tools and techniques of Promotion, to render them capable of designing/implementing promotion strategies. ResearchMethodology &DissertationWriting The major objective of this course is to render students capable of designing, carrying out and completing a research project. Basic research concepts and practices applied in solving business problems are studied, and practical advice, guidelines and instructions are given, to assist students in writing and presenting their final dissertation.