Co-funded project "Baby's Dowry"

6 Childcare in approved childcare facilities (in-home care, nursery schools) Attending a day care centre can be beneficial for a child as he/she can learn many things, such as: • Things about him/herself! How to take care of his/her body and himself/herself and how to express his/her feelings in a positive way. • Accepted social behaviour: It has to do with the ability of the child to make friends, to share things with other children and also care about people and have empathy. The child will learn more about his/her rights and obligations and be respective towards people. The child will also realise when he/she has done something not acceptable and take responsibility for his/her actions. • How to express himself/herself: A child will be able to enrich his/her vocabulary and say things with the right pronunciation. He/she will also be able to exploit his/her imagination and develop his/her physical skills as well as his/her mental skills (e.g. bilateral coordination skills, hand eye coordination)! • Show interest in learning things: It is important for a child to show interest about everything that goes on in his/her“own little word”; to ask questions, to flip through the pages of a book, to look at pictures, to use technology in a way that is appropriate for his/her age. • Form friendships with same-age children, something that can make the child feel safer and it gives the child a more well-rounded sense of social skills. Additionally, the child has someone to imitate especially when playing a game.