Co-funded project "Baby's Dowry"

3 POSITIVE PARENTAL SKILLS A child’s best interest should be a priority for the parents and they should provide it with the best care in a safe environment without any kind of violence. Parents should practise positive reinforcement and should use reward and praise to motivate their child to improve his/her behaviour. Good parental skills can have a positive impact on the child’s development. BEHAVIOURS FOR POSITIVE PARENTAL ROLES Baby care basics • Be attentive to a crying baby Crying is the only means that your child has in order to communicate with you and show you whether he/she is hungry, in pain or just wants to be held. • Regular visits to the pediatrician and medical care. It is important to take your child to a pediatrician or to a Maternity Centre on a regular basis as to ensure his/her normal physical and emotional development. • Sleeping It is important for a baby to sleep sufficient hours as sleeping is important and beneficial for a baby’s development. • Personal care/ bath The baby should be bathed on a daily basis, as bathing is not only good for personal hygiene purposes but it is also good for better blood circulation. The water temperature, suitable for a bath, should be 36-37 degree Celsius. • Feeding/breastfeeding Breastfeeding an infant is important as the attachment formed between the baby and the mother, contributes to the emotional growth of the baby that also has an impact in other areas, such as his/her physical growth. • Provision of clothing/footwear A baby should be dressed according to the weather and climatic conditions.