Κέντρο Επιστημονικών Ερευνών - Κατάλογος Εκδόσεων 2016 \ Cyprus Research Centre - List of Publications 2016

KENTPO E¶I™THMONIKøN EPEYNøN / CYPRUS RESEARCH CENTRE 13 M. Pieris – A. Nicolaou Konnari ] ¶ËÁ¤˜ Î·È ªÂϤÙ˜ Ù˘ ∫˘Úȷ΋˜ πÛÙÔÚ›·˜, XLVIII, §Â˘ÎˆÛ›· 2003. ¢È·ÛÙ¿ÛÂȘ: 24 x 31ÂÎ., ™ÂÏ›‰Â˜: 462 + 12 ʈÙ., ŒÎ‰ÔÛË: ÂÏÏËÓÈο, ISBN: 9963-0-8085-5. ∆ÈÌ‹: € 29 ñ ¶·Ófi‰ÂÙÔ P. Leventis, Twelve Times in Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus, 1192-1570: Topography, Architecture and Urban Experience in a diversified capital city [ ¢Ò‰Âη ÊÔÚ¤˜ ÛÙË §Â˘ÎˆÛ›·, §Â˘ÎˆÛ›·, ∫‡ÚÔ˜, 1192-1570: ∆ÔÔÁÚ·Ê›·, ·Ú¯ÈÙÂÎÙÔÓÈ΋ Î·È ·ÛÙÈ΋ ÂÌÂÈÚ›· Û ÌÈ· ÔÈÎÈÏfiÌÔÚÊË ÚˆÙÂ‡Ô˘Û· ], Texts and Studies in the History of Cyprus, XLIX, Nicosia 2005. Dimensions: 21 x 30cm, Pages: viii + 438, Edition: english, italian, french, latin, ISBN: 9963-0-8095-2. Price: € 93 ñ Hardback ª. ªÈ¯·‹Ï, ∏ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· Ù˘ ∫‡ÚÔ˘ ηٿ ÙËÓ ÔıˆÌ·ÓÈ΋ ÂÚ›Ô‰Ô (1571-1878): ∏ ÛÙ·‰È·Î‹ Û˘ÁÎÚfiÙËÛ‹ Ù˘ Û ıÂÛÌfi ÔÏÈÙÈ΋˜ ÂÍÔ˘Û›·˜ [ The church of Cyprus during the Ottoman period (1571-1878): Its progressive development into an institution of political power ], ¶ËÁ¤˜ Î·È ªÂϤÙ˜ Ù˘ ∫˘Úȷ΋˜ πÛÙÔÚ›·˜, L, §Â˘ÎˆÛ›· 2005. ¢È·ÛÙ¿ÛÂȘ: 19 x 28ÂÎ., ™ÂÏ›‰Â˜: 429, ŒÎ‰ÔÛË: ÂÏÏËÓÈο, ISBN: 9963-0-8091-X. ∆ÈÌ‹: € 22,5 ñ ¶·Ófi‰ÂÙÔ N. Coureas, George Boustronios: A Narrative of the Chronicle of Cyprus, 1456-1489 [ °ÂÒÚÁÈÔ˜ µÔ˘ÛÙÚÒÓÈÔ˜: ¢È‹ÁËÛȘ ÙÔ˘ ¯ÚÔÓÈÎÔ‡ Ù˘ ∫‡ÚÔ˘, 1456-1489 ], Texts and Studies in the History of Cyprus, LI, Nicosia 2005. Dimensions: 19 X 28cm, Pages: 252, Edition: english, ISBN: 9963-0-8092-8. Price: € 16,5, Hardback T. Lounghis, B. Blysidu, St. Lampakes, Regesten der Kaiserurkunden des Oströmisches Reichs, 467-565 [ ∫·Ù¿ÏÔÁÔ˜ ÙˆÓ ·˘ÙÔÎÚ·ÙÔÚÈÎÒÓ ÂÁÁÚ¿ÊˆÓ Ù˘ ‚˘˙·ÓÙÈÓ‹˜ ·˘ÙÔ- ÎÚ·ÙÔÚ›·˜, 467-565 ], Texts and Studies in the History of Cyprus, LII, Nicosia 2005. Dimensions: 19 x 28cm, Pages: 352, Edition: german, ISBN: 9963-0-8093-6. Price: € 20 ñ Hardback P - V. Claverie, L’Ordre du Temple en ∆erre Sainte et à Chypre au XIIIe siècle, vols I-III [ ∆Ô ∆¿ÁÌ· ÙˆÓ N·ïÙÒÓ ÛÙÔ˘˜ ∞Á›Ô˘˜ ∆fiÔ˘˜ Î·È ÛÙËÓ ∫‡ÚÔ ÙÔ 13 Ô ·ÈÒÓ·, ÙfiÌ. ∞ã-°ã ], Sources et Etudes de l’histoire de Chypre, LIII, Nicosie 2005. (ÙfiÌ. I): Dimension: 19 x 28cm, Pages: 412, Edition: french, ISBN: 9963-0-8094-4, (ÙfiÌ. II): Dimension: 19 x 28cm, Pages: 504, Edition: french, ISBN: 9963-0-8094-4, (ÙfiÌ. III): Dimension: 19 x 28cm, Pages: 680, Edition: french, ISBN: 9963-0-8094-4. µÚ·‚Â›Ô Ù˘ Académie des Inscriptions et Belles - Lettres / Prix de l’ Académie des Inscriptions et Belles - Lettres Price: € 94 ñ Hardback