Components: [D] Economic and Territorial Development [K] Knowledge and Education Targeted audience: Communities, Associations, Companies, Public Entities Aims / Content: Encourage people to appreciate and preserve their own surroundings by adopting a monument Year / Duration: 2008 - Ongoing Online material: Finland Adopt a Monument dopt a monument programme was launched in 2008 by the Pirkanmaa Provincial Museum. The programme encourages people to appre- ciate and preserve their surroundings by taking care of monuments and monitoring their condition. — Caretaking is based on an agreement between adopters and the Pirkanmaa Provincial Museum af- ter carrying out negotiations between the involved parties. The agreement can stipulate that the care- takers have a right to organise events in the building or its surroundings. Some of the events organised on site are open for everyone. — A management plan for the site is drawn up taking account its condition, maintenance needs, as well as the caretaking groups’ resources. — A building or archaeological monument can be adopted by a community, association, company or public entities, such as schools. Adopters do not need previous experience or knowledge related to cultural environments or construction skills, as the Museum’s staff includes people who are profession- als on taking care the cultural heritage. The muse- um also organises training events and trips where adopters can learn and meet other adopters. — Caretaking teams monitor the condition of monuments and they carry out maintenance and repair work, when needed, in accordance with the management plan. — An important outcome of taking care ancient monuments is that it increases their visibility. An- cient monuments are often difficult to see and poor- ly known. For example, adopters can design and set up information boards at the site to make it more visible. Images from: Sources: A — Caretaking often involves weeding, mowing, trimming, removal of litter, cleaning roofs and win- dow repair. These small and simple caretaking and maintenance measures are important in preserving architectural heritage. Monitoring the condition of buildings helps prevent damage from becoming serious and threatening the building. — All in all, “Adopting a Monument” encourages people to take care, research, maintain and make sites which depict the local history and are in need of care, more publicly known. European Cultural Heritage Strategy for the 21 st century „ Page 78