European Cultural Heritage Strategy for the 21 st century „ Page 6 — Resolved to follow up on the Namur Declaration adopted at the 6th Conference of European Ministers responsible for Cultural Heritage (Namur, 23 and 24 April 2015); — Recalling the final statement of the 10th Council of Europe conference of ministers of culture (Moscow, April 2013) which confirmed the role of the Council of Europe as an outstanding pan European Organisation in the field of culture; — Being aware of the decisive contribution of other international organisations, and notably UNESCO to the protection, safeguard, conservation and enhancement of heritage and welcoming the initiative of the European Commission 1 to proclaim 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage; — Noting that cultural heritage is an essential pillar of culture and that both these fields are confronted with common challenges; — Considering that budgetary and human resources, both at the European level and at the level of some member States, are increasingly inadequate to ensure the conservation and the restoration of European her- itage, and thus to ensure that it can be transmitted as a legacy to future generations; — Having regard to the European Heritage Strategy for the 21st Century, drawn up on the basis of the con- clusions of the European ministers responsible for Cultural Heritage by the Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP), and acknowledging its relevance and value for all member States and for non-member States, parties to the European Cultural Convention; — Noting that one of the main features of the Strategy is the sharing of practice and concrete experience between member States, enabling them to draw inspiration from each other in order to facilitate the imple- mentation of the strategy, 1. Recommends that the governments of member States: „ embrace and implement the strategy appended to this recommendation, at the appropriate gover- nance levels, in compliance with their applicable national legal provisions and practice; „ distribute the strategy widely among governmental and non-governmental stakeholders, regional and local authorities, professionals, local associations and civil society, and encourage them to play an active part in promoting the effective implementation of the strategy and the achievement of its objectives; „ draw on, where appropriate, the examples of best practice recorded and updated in the HEREIN system; „ ensure the follow-up to the evaluation process, which is an integral component of the strategy and its implementation; 2. Invites the States Parties to the European Cultural Convention who are not members of the Council of Europe to take the Strategy as a reference document and give it a follow up, in compliance with their own legal system and practice; 3. Welcomes the initiative of the European Commission to make 2018 the European Year of Cultural Heritage, and encourages synergies with the implementation of this Strategy. Appendix to Recommendation CM/Rec(2017)1 1. Otherwise the paragraph could be modified as follows: and welcoming the decision by the Council and the European Parliament to proclaim 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage.