Components: [D] Economic and Territorial Development Targeted audience: Communities, businesses, local authorities Aims / Content: Promote the heritage-led regeneration of Ireland’s historic town while ensuring that works to the built environment are carried out to the highest standards Year / Duration: 2013 Online material: Ireland Historic Towns Initiative istoric Towns Initiative is based on a renewal of the former “Heritage Towns” designation. The purpose of the initiative is to promote the heritage-led regeneration of Ireland’s historic towns, many of which have seen a reversal of fortune over the past number of years. — In recent years, problems of vacancy, derelic- tion and depopulation have emerged at the core of many Irish towns. The Historic Town Initiative (HTI) was developed by the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht (DAHG) with partners to reverse these problems and create attractive, sustainable living environments for residents and tourists. — The Historic Town Initiative was launched on a pilot basis in 2013/14 to assist with the regener- ation of the historic cores of rural heritage towns. It was undertaken in three towns, Listowel, Westpol and Youghal. The scheme sought to combine the conservation and protection of the built and natural heritage of the participating towns through effec- tive urban renewal while maximizing the economic value of tourism. After this pilot, a national roll-out of the HTI is being considered. Image from: ating__Irelands_historic_towns_and_villages.pdf Sources: H — The image and infrastructure in all three towns has been improved most notably in Youghal where the majority of funding was directed towards pub- lic realm projects in the historic core. The projects greatly enhanced public areas which led to an invig- orated more vibrant historic environment. — Youghal found that enhancement of the pub- lic realm leads to increased investment by the pri- vate sector in the town. Over the past year the town has seen a number of high quality restaurants and high quality licensed premises re-open, reinforcing the notion that the pilot has directly supported the business environment in each town. — The pilot also encouraged owners of proper- ties not in receipt of funding to repair/maintain their properties. The façade painting scheme undertaken on particular problematic buildings for the council encouraged others to paint their buildings. — All three towns identified that there has been an increased knowledge of local heritage/conser- vation for citizens/visitors alike. Public consultation and school workshops were undertaken as part of the development of the conservation plan for the towns and have educated and encouraged con- sciousness and participation in their town. — The HTI has promoted heritage-led regenera- tion and continued use of buildings thus reducing further land consumption. It has also assisted in halting the deterioration of the built fabric in each town and allowed them ‘to focus on reaffirming the need for owners to comply with national and local guidelines when dealing with protected structures’. European Cultural Heritage Strategy for the 21 st century „ Page 77