Components: [S] Social [D] Economic and Territorial Development Targeted audience: Local authorities (communities and municipalities) which have inscribed elements on the National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage, non-profit cultural organisa- tions Aims / Content: Financial support for the implementation of measures and activities aimed at the safe- guarding and enhancement of the intangible cultural heritage of Cyprus Year / Duration: 2016 - 2020 Online material: Cyprus Safeguarding the Intangible Cultural Heritage ince the ratification of the 2003 UNESCO Con- vention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage by the Republic Of Cyprus, Cultural Heritage by the Republic Of Cyprus, in 2006, the Ministry of Education and Culture (Cul- tural Services) and the Cyprus National Commis- sion for UNESCO have been working towards the implementation of its provisions. Amongst the most recent measures is the launch of a special scheme to provide financial support to activities and projects related to the safeguarding of elements inscribed on the National Inventory and Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. — Considering that the viability of Intangible Cultural Heritage depends. to a large degree. on the commitment of communities and practitioners to transmit this knowledge to the future generation, the scheme finances activities initiated and imple- mented by organized groups of practitioners or local authorities. — Eligible types of activities include identifica- tion, research, protection, promotion and transmis- sion of Intangible Cultural Heritage, enhancement of creativity and encouragement of participation and mobility. Special attention is given to the revi- S talization of Intangible Cultural Heritage practices -mostly traditional craftsmanship- and their adapta- tion to contemporary needs as well as the promotion of Intangible Cultural Heritage as living heritage, relevant to its community, continuously recreated and transmitted from one generation to another. — Eligible communities have shown a strong in- terest in applying for funding through this scheme. Considering the limited resources allocated for its implementation (€35.000 annually), the programme has a competitive nature, which implies that only the best proposals may receive funding, those that contribute to a larger degree to the attainment of the objectives and involve cooperation between dif- ferent stakeholders concerned, with respect to the ethical principles relating to safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage. — Therefore, the activities approved for funding under this scheme may be considered as best safe- guarding practices for Intangible Cultural Heritage in Cyprus and form good examples for other com- munities to follow. European Cultural Heritage Strategy for the 21 st century „ Page 76