Components: [S] Social [K] Knowledge and Education Targeted audience: Young people (ages 9-14), retired volunteers Aims / Content: Promote heritage“hands-on”workshops which help children develop through practical experience of different skills and inter-generational exchange Year / Duration: Ongoing Online material: France Tool in hand ‘Outil en Main association initiates children to handicrafts and heritage with real with real tools and real workshops, with the help of real professionals. — Society today leaves little room for tradespeo- ple to pass on their knowledge. “L’Outil en Main” contributes to this transfer of know-how and makes children aware of professions that the school system does not necessarily reveal to them, by organising inter-generational workshops. — Young people from the age of 9 to 14 are be- ing introduced to the manual trades with the help of volunteer trades persons, mostly retired. This way, retired businessmen and women are enabled to remain “active” and contribute to the development of children by transmitting their knowledge and love of good work of their profession to the younger generations. — Through this inter-generational encounter, the Elder helps the Child to develop manual dexter- ity, discover a talent, but most importantly, preserve the knowledge and skills of a specific craft and value their heritage. Sources: L Image from: European Cultural Heritage Strategy for the 21 st century „ Page 74