European Cultural Heritage Strategy for the 21 st century „ Page 72 Components: [S] Social Targeted audience: All public, mentally and handicapped patients Aims / Content: Using heritage to attract visitors to the centre and show the archaeological heritage to them and let them be in contact with the institute and the patients Year / Duration: 2016 - Ongoing Online material: Netherlands Heritage as a means of emancipation for mentally and multiple handicapped people he need for opening up social/medical care institutes and integrate them more in society, instead of separating handicapped people from it, which used to be the politics, made Ipse De Bruggen look for new opportunities to do so. When this institute was founded in the 70’s, the world fa- mous Roman shops of Zwammerdam were found, the management decided to use this heritage as an opportunity to combine several goals. — The formerly inwardly focused institute Ipsen de Bruggen, has built a new ‘Grand Cafe’ to con- centrate their facilities - restaurant, shop, etc. - for patients and their guests in one central building. In the building and at the grounds of the institute, they visualized the Roman castle, which has been exca- vated in the 70’s. They did this with participation of the patients. — In the Grand Café, the Roman history and the world famous Roman ships are presented to the public. It is a professional exhibition but, with contributions by the patients. These items made by patients are replaced by new-made ones at a reg- ular base. In the shop several items with a Roman connection made by the patients, are sold (e.g. bird- house in the shape of a Roman watchtower; cookies in the shape of Roman tablets, etc). — The institute for mentally and multi-handi- capped patients has joined all the initiatives to en- large the awareness of the Roman heritage and use the heritage as a mean to integrate their patients into society and enlarge their self-esteem. — Part of the plan is also that the institute opened the doors for tourist-visitors and other peo- ple, cycling along the Roman Limes, which is in the process for nomination as a World Heritage site. Sources: — The Grand Cafe got a lot attention from news- paper and radio. In the sense of participation it is already a success because some of the patients have been working on the presentations. As it is the Grand Cafe of the institute, workers, patients and their guests are guaranteed visitors. Cyclist, hikers and other people can enjoy the hospitality of the Grand cafe, learn about the Roman history and appreciate the contribution of and contact with the patients. On the other hand the patients will feel more as part of the society. T Images from: