European Cultural Heritage Strategy for the 21 st century „ Page 70 Components: [S] Social [D] Economic and Territorial Development Targeted audience: Unemployed citizens, civic associations, municipalities Aims / Content: Integration of job seekers into the process of maintenance and restoration of cultural monuments Year / Duration: 2011 - Ongoing Online material: sion_of_the_Unemployed_in_Saving_Cultural_Heritage_in_Slovakia Slovakia Inclusion of the Unemployed in Saving the Cultural Heritage articipation is the key aspect of safeguarding the cultural heritage - the support of commu- nity necessary for preserving cultural heritage - to enforce the relationship, strengthen the feeling of responsibility and awareness of values of cultural heritage, mostly, in local and regional level. — In this project, participative governance was chosen in order to involve unemployed people in the renovation and restoration of cultural heritage and to help them gain new skills together with building the relationship to the particular historic site. — The initiative started in 2011 as a pilot project “Renewal of castles by unemployed persons” with the conservation of two important Slovak castles, fifty unemployed people were offered not only a working position for 6 months but also training in specific skills required in renovation of historic objects. Since the pilot project has acquitted well and gained a considerable interest among unem- ployed candidates and among employers too, the responsible authorities decided to continue the project and to broaden its scope from castles to also other objects of torsal architecture, manor houses and historic parks. — The project “Engagement of the unemployed in the conservation of cultural heritage” during the years 2011 - 2015 involved 123 employers, who together have created 1,763 jobs and work was gradually given to 2,084 unemployed. — This project is a perfect example of the syn- ergy effect of the EU funds and the cooperation of state bodies, NGOs and local governments. How- ever, the most important is the impact on society. On the one hand is helping unemployed citizens Image from: Conservation_Practices_Inclusion_of_the_Unemployed_in_ Saving_Cultural_Heritage_in_Slovakia Sources: servation_Practices_Inclusion_of_the_Unemployed_in_Sav ing_Cultural_Heritage_in_Slovakia P to gain new experiences and skills, which increas- es their chance to move permanently to the labour market and gives them the opportunity to partici- pate in the valuable work in preserving the heritage of our ancestors. On the other hand, is ensuring the systematic conservation of castles, especially by vol- unteer organizations. Thanks to this project a wider space was created for self-expression of enthusiasts who are not indifferent to life in their community or region, and they were given proof that authorities appreciate their effort and will pay for good ideas, considerable personal time and actions to preserve the traces and evidence of history.