European Cultural Heritage Strategy for the 21 st century „ Page 61 „ “Heritage on roller skates”, visit “with a twist” (Belgium, Brussels Capital Region) „ Bavarikon: Bavarian portal for art, culture and regional studies, as well as digitalisation concepts for the transmission of analogue cultural assets to other German Länder (Germany) „ Database of (historic) monuments of the office for the Preservation of Monuments of the Free Hanse- atic City of Bremen (Datenbank des Bremer Landesamtes für Denkmalpflege zu Baudenkmälern) (Germany) Recommendation D10 Use the cultural heritage as a means of giving the region a distinctive character and making it more attractive and better known Examples of action „ Leader projects: Local action groups (GAL) (Europe) „ Heritage Business Centre focusing on ceramic and related arts, Limoges (France) „ Towns and Lands of Art and History (France) „ Regional nature reserves (France) „ Cultural concept of the Thuringia state government (Germany) Recommendation D11 Develop newmanagement models to ensure that heritage benefits from the economic spinoffs that it generates Example of action „ Digitisation of repository institutions - HEREIN (Slovak Republic) 3. THE“KNOWLEDGE AND EDUCATION COMPONENT” The “knowledge and education” (K) component focuses on the relationship between heritage and shared knowledge, covering awareness raising, training and research. Challenges K1. Helping to foster a shared knowledge society K2. Identifying, preserving, transmitting and sharing heritage knowledge and skills K3. Raising awareness of the values conveyed by heritage K4. Ensuring heritage stakeholders have access to lifelong training K5. Guaranteeing a high technical level for all heritage trades and crafts K6. Supporting, strengthening and promoting intergovernmental co-operation K7. Encouraging heritage research K8. Enlisting the commitment of young people to heritage