European Cultural Heritage Strategy for the 21 st century „ Page 58 „ Fondation Roi Baudouin (King Baudouin Foundation) (Belgium) „ Culture Funding Point (Germany) 2. THE“TERRITORIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT” COMPONENT The “territorial and economic development” (D) component focuses on the relationship cultural heritage maintains with spatial development, the economy and local and regional governance, with due regard for the principles of sustainable development. Challenges D1. Building a more inclusive and cohesive society D2. Developing Europe’s prosperity by drawing on its heritage resources D3. Ensuring that Europeans enjoy a high quality of life, in harmony with their cultural and natural environ- ment D4. Implementing the principle of integrated conservation D5. Ensuring that heritage is taken into account in sustainable spatial development strategies and pro- grammes D6. Developing the ability of public services to address sustainable spatial development issues by means of better use of heritage D7. Preserving and developing the ability of public services to address heritage issues D8. Increasing the use and reuse of heritage Recommendations Recommendation D1 Promote cultural heritage as a resource and facilitate financial investment Examples of action „ “Cultural Heritage counts for Europe”, 2015 report „ Public Cultural Co-operation Establishment (EPCC), Pont du Gard, UNESCO site (France) „ Art Bonus: tax scheme favourable to those who support culture through donations (Italy) „ National Restoration Fund, Netherlands „ Financial incentive mechanism of the buildings included in the inventory of historical monuments (Cyprus) Recommendation D2 Support and promote the heritage sector as a means of creating jobs and business opportunities Example of action „ Alliance Patrimoine-Emploi (Heritage-employment alliance), Walloon Government (Belgium, Wallo- nia)