European Cultural Heritage Strategy for the 21 st century „ Page 51 Input-output matrix Challenges 1 (component S) Challenges 2 (component D) Challenges 3 (component K) Recommendations 1 (component S) S1-10 S1-3, S5-10 S1-9 Recommendations 2 (component D) D1-3, D5-7, D11 D1-D11 D2-8, D10-11 Recommendations 3 (component K) K1, K6-7 K6 K1-11 Table 2: Input-output matrix of impact between components Source of data: Table 1 Leopold matrix (Recommendations x Challenges) How to obtain summary results from the input-output matrix Challenges in S Challenges in D Challenges in K Recommendations to S SS: Effectiveness of S-related actions in resolving S-related challenges SD: Effectiveness of S-related actions in resolving D-related challenges SK: Effectiveness of S-related actions in resolving K-related challenges Recommendations to D DS: Effectiveness of D-related actions in resolving S-related challenges DD: Effectiveness of D-related actions in resolving D-related challenges DK: Effectivenessof D-related actions in resolving K-related challenges Recommendations to K KS: Effectiveness of K-related actions in resolving S-related challenges KD: Effectiveness of K-related actions in resolving D-related challenges KK: Effectiveness of K-related actions in resolving K-related challenges Legend to Table 2: How to use the Input-output matrix NB: „ Effectiveness is assessed in a standard way by monitoring impact indicators (how recommendations in S impact on challenges in S, S ∩ S, etc. „ Synergy between S (in recommendations) and D (in challenges) is achieved as average of assessed impacts: (DS + SD)/2. „ Synergy between K and D is achieved as average of assessed impacts: (K ∩ D + D ∩ K)/2. „ Synergy between S and K is achieved as average of assessed impacts: (S ∩ K + K ∩ S)/2. — Table 2 identifies connectedness between recommendations and challenges for each strategy compo- nent. On the diagonal, it presents the conventional indicator of policy effectiveness. It shows how successful each strategy component is in carrying out its own primary important recommendations. — Indirect or cross-sectoral impacts are located in the non-diagonal fields of the matrix in Table 2. By connecting the cross-sectional impact that is located diagonally below with the symmetrically located cross-sectional impact diagonally above (such as D ∩ S and S ∩ D), one can assess the synergy between two strategy components and how two components support or constrain each other by the means of implement- ing their recommendations.