European Cultural Heritage Strategy for the 21 st century „ Page 50 K4 Provide optimum training for non-professional players and for professionals from other sectors with a connection to heritage K5 Diversify training systems for heritage professionals K6 Develop knowledge banks on local and traditional materi- als, techniques and know-how K7 Ensure that the knowledge and skills involved in heritage trades are passed on K8 Guarantee the competences of professionals working on listed heritage K9 Develop study and research programmes that reflect the needs of the heritage sector and share the findings K10 Encourage and support the development of networks K11 Explore heritage as a source of knowledge, inspiration and creativity K6 Supporting, strengthening and promoting intergovernmental co-operation K7 Encouraging heritage research K8 Enlisting the commitment of young people to heritage — Table 1 identifies the connections between all strategy recommendations and all strategy challenges. 8 It gives a detailed insight into how the implementation of individual recommendations can impact challeng- es arising from the strategy. The strategy is not prepared as a set of fragmented links between recommenda- tions and challenges, but as a full-fledged structure with three autonomous yet interdependent components. So it is sensible to identify these structural links between components to see how they affect each other indirectly, which is a precondition for synergy between heritage components. — The estimated impacts of the strategy in Table 1 can be aggregated by source and area of sectoral impact (K by K or K ∩ K, K ∩ S, K ∩ D, etc.) to obtain an input-output square matrix showing what synergies between strategy components can be produced when recommended activities are implemented. 8. The main focus in the strategy lies in linking recommendations and challenges of the same heritage component (S, D or K), since the majority of identified impacts are located on the diagonal of the matrix (from upper-left to lower-right corner).