European Cultural Heritage Strategy for the 21 st century „ Page 37 conserve samples and store, update and widely disseminate data and information. As a means of stimulating ideas, this shared memory should be showcased and promoted as a source of inspiration. It is also intended to reinforce (good) professional practices. Relevant challenges K2 K3 K4 Interfaces S4 D2 D7 Courses of action „ Create dedicated places for the conservation of knowledge and know-how, both traditional and those generated by heritage management „ Use new technologies in order to document and preserve know-how „ Create a European centre of skills and know-how „ Create and expand “materials libraries” Target audience: local, regional, national, European Example of action „ Centre for the Intangible Cultural Heritage, Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research (Croatia) Croatia Recommendation K7 Ensure that the knowledge and skills involved in heritage trades are passed on The transmission of knowledge and skills involved in heritage trades is essential to ensure the preservation of the heritage, but it is fragile and can be lost in a generation, with retirements and company closures. In itself it is a source of wealth and a constituent legacy of European culture and could be attractive to young people or people changing careers. Ensuring and guaranteeing this transmission will also help secure sustainable jobs and activities which have a high heritage value and which often have the potential for renewal. Relevant challenges K1 K2 K3 K4 K8 Interfaces S4 Courses of action „ Support master craftworkers to ensure transmission of knowledge and skills „ Adopt measures to facilitate workshops being taken over by younger people „ Help firms to take on young people „ Organise exhibitions and demonstrations „ Promote incentives through competitions „ Showcase manual crafts (in schools, the media, etc.) „ Develop the teaching and practice of manual operations (sketches, measurements, etc.) along with computer-assisted design „ Support the creation and expansion of training centres for heritage crafts „ Support the European Foundation for Heritage Skills (FEMP) Target audience: local, regional, national, European Example of action „ Fornverkaskólinn