European Cultural Heritage Strategy for the 21 st century „ Page 34 Courses of action „ Adapt school syllabuses „ Train teachers, instructors, etc. „ Establish a dialogue between the education sector and the departments responsible for heritage, museums, archives, libraries, etc. „ Initiate cross-disciplinary educational projects which include heritage „ Promote co-operation with associations, history societies, etc. „ Develop outside activities: visits, trips, interviews, documentaries „ Invite heritage specialists to schools „ Make digital heritage-related information more open, more accessible and more user-friendly „ Support programmes organised by museum professionals, taking place in museums Target audience: local, regional, national Example of action „ Preparation of teaching material for teachers, in co-operation with the “Society of History and Social Studies Teachers” and the Ministry of Education (Estonia) Recommendation K2 Implement measures to encourage young people to practise heritage In order to enlist greater commitment to heritage by young people, it is essential to reach out to them, anal- yse what motivates and demotivates them, and to bring various approaches into play: education, networks, involvement in activities, etc. Appropriate measures can, furthermore, encourage young people to begin or develop new practices which include heritage. Relevant challenges K2 K3 K8 Interfaces Courses of action „ Introduce culture or heritage passes for specific age groups, and assess the success of the scheme „ Encourage the organisation of targeted events for young people „ Offer free or reduced-price entry „ Develop incentives devised in consultation with young people „ Promote and encourage the practices of young people (media, competitions) „ Organise heritage-based “events with a twist” Target audience: local, regional, national, European Examples of action „ Cultural heritage-makers’ competition for children and young people, part of European Heritage Days in Finland Instructions.pdf Recommendation K3 Encourage creativity to capture the attention of the heritage audience The public’s expectations evolve in line with changes in society and technological progress. The challenge facing heritage is how to attract and capture the attention of a wide audience by showing creativity, offer- ing them the means of understanding heritage and nurturing in them a desire to prolong and renew the