European Cultural Heritage Strategy for the 21 st century „ Page 26 the initial idea through to implementation and funding. Accordingly, alternative sources of funding and contributions of various kinds, enabling citizens’ expectations to be given greater consideration, should be encouraged and developed. This search for supplementary funding should help ensure additional resources and should not serve as a pretext for State disengagement. On the contrary, these new practices require considerable public investment and appropriate ethical codes to preserve the nature, integrity and meaning of heritage, through commitment to the values of a shared project. Relevant challenges S1 S2 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 Interfaces D1 D5 D7 Courses of action „ Identify firms likely to be interested in a partnership to promote heritage „ Enlist the competent bodies (consular chambers, groups of firms, sponsorship groups) to create and encourage partnerships „ Raise awareness among potential partners concerning the benefits of heritage for society „ Draft charters setting out the ethical standards to be upheld by the partners in a project: what is required of them and the benefits they can expect „ Step up the search for alternative sources of funding for the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage and for ad hoc enhancement and promotion operations „ Take appropriate steps to encourage patronage and sponsorship of the cultural heritage „ Support training worksites and operations where volunteers work alongside professionals „ Support and encourage voluntary work „ Encourage all sorts of contributions: time, materials, loan of tools, etc. „ Encourage financial contributions from citizens for heritage projects affecting them in order to instil a sense of responsibility and strengthen links with cultural institutions and the public authorities (e.g. crowdfunding) Target audience: local, regional, national Example of action „ Lottery Fund (UK) 6.2 THE“TERRITORIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT” COMPONENT (D) The “territorial and economic development” component focuses on the relationship between cultural heritage and spatial development, the economy and local and regional governance with due regard for the principles of sustainable development. Challenges D1. Building a more inclusive and cohesive society D2. Developing Europe’s prosperity by drawing on its heritage resources D3. Ensuring that Europeans enjoy a high quality of life, in harmony with their cultural and natural environ- ment D4. Implementing the principle of integrated conservation D5. Ensuring that heritage is taken into account in sustainable spatial development strategies and pro- grammes D6. Developing the ability of public services to address sustainable spatial development issues by means of better use of heritage