European Cultural Heritage Strategy for the 21 st century „ Page 25 „ Support the transmission of oral traditions, drawing on the experience of local inhabitants „ Support local “memory and history transmission” initiatives: visits, comparing notes and exchanging memories, reports, publications, etc. „ Train inhabitants to be “ambassadors” of their territory (town, neighbourhood, company) so that they can share their knowledge and communicate their pride and their attachment to the territory and its heritage „ Support the creation or reactivation of links (intellectual, emotional, material, etc.) between citizens and the cultural heritage Target audience: local Example of action „ Accessibility as a means for the inhabitants of Nantes to retake ownership of the chateau-museum, Nantes (France) Recommendation S9 Support intergenerational and intercultural projects to promote heritage There are numerous intergenerational and intercultural projects to promote heritage already in existence which deserve to be supported and developed. In turn, these projects, based on dialogue, on respect for the diversity of experience and references to cultural heritage, and on exchange, enable the stakeholders to develop their full potential and enhance social cohesion. Relevant challenges S1 S3 S4 S5 S6 S8 Interfaces K2 K4 D1 D3 Courses of action „ Expand learning experiences where children and young people can learn from their elders and vice versa: site surveys, stone cutting, dry stone building and roofing, stained glass, photography, history workshops, digital reuse of heritage resources, etc. „ Form clubs where people can exchange knowledge and know-how „ Enable people who do not use new technologies to become familiar with their use „ Support diversity in site restoration work, in terms of age, social background, country of origin, disability, etc. „ Encourage exchanges of views on heritage sites or neighbourhoods with mixed populations: different age groups, occupations, places of origin, etc. Target audience: local Example of action „ “Hands-on” workshops which help children develop through practical experience of different skills and intergenerational exchange (France). Recommendation S10 Facilitate and encourage (public and private) partnerships in cultural heritage promotion and conser- vation projects In the context of the enlarged concept of heritage and participatory governance it would be expedient to develop public-private partnerships for heritage promotion and conservation projects. Participatory gov- ernance presupposes the involvement of civil society and citizens in the various stages of the process from