European Cultural Heritage Strategy for the 21 st century „ Page 21 „ Introduce incentives for specific groups (young people, not frequent users, etc.) „ Run awareness-raising campaigns (press, children’s press, games/competitions, etc.) „ Produce multilingual presentation and interpretation material „ Devise interactive, fun, creative presentation methods „ Introduce visitors to different ways of perceiving the heritage „ Develop heritage experiences combining different forms of cultural expression (dance, music, traditional or new skills, gastronomy, etc.) and appealing to different sides of human nature (senses, feelings, knowledge) „ Produce audiovisual programmes „ Encourage remote virtual discovery of heritage using the latest technologies and social networks „ Collect and showcase citizens’ accounts of heritage „ Promote an interdisciplinary approach to heritage Target audience: local, regional, national, European Example of action „ Activities carried out during European Heritage Days (Europe) Recommendation S3 Use heritage to assert and transmit the fundamental values of Europe and European society In all its splendour and diversity, cultural heritage can help the citizens of Europe to look beyond their specific national, regional or local features and forge and develop a feeling of shared belonging and history, in line with the fundamental European values of humanism and democracy. Cultural heritage enables us to perceive the role played across time and space by exogenous influences (tangible and intangible). It highlights the importance of the knowledge, skills and know-how, imported or exported, that have emerged in Europe through the ages. In addition, cultural heritage can show how these various influences have contributed and continue to contribute to the construction of European society, its characteristics and ideals. Relevant challenges S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 Interfaces D1 K1 K3 K6 Courses of action „ Use the many varied expressions of heritage to promote and spread the fundamental values of Europe and of European culture and society „ Underline the fact that the diversity of our cultural heritage has both a European and a local dimension „ Identify and highlight the tangible and intangible exogenous influences that have contributed to the history of European society and European culture „ Identify and highlight the exchanges of skills and know-how, imported or exported „ Use wording and presentation approaches adapted to different audiences to show that our heritage and our cultural diversity are assets for the future of Europe „ Produce written, audiovisual and digital material in several languages, creating links between a particular site or event and the other cultures concerned „ Take part in European Heritage Days and other events highlighting the link between cultural heri- tage and European values, ideals and principles „ Disseminate the spirit of the “European Heritage Label” to generate enthusiasm using examples of regional or local cultural heritage „ Encourage and promote the “European Capitals of Culture” „ Draw up a collective and interdisciplinary history of heritage in Europe