Cyprus stil occupied still divided 1974-2016

Since May 2015, negotiations have unfolded in an overall improved and more positive climate, and com- mon understanding has been reached on an impor- tant number of issues. However, there are still several outstanding differences, while substantive discus- sions on decisive matters have not been yet held. President Anastasiades believes that a settlement is possible, if all interested parties engage with serious- ness, discussing and submitting constructive propos- als on all pending issues, while refraining from actions that could jeopardise the good climate. Turkey’s con- tribution in tangible terms in this ongoing process is crucially important, as it continues to exercise control in the occupied areas of the Republic Cyprus through the illegal stationing of tens of thousands of troops, the continuing influx of settlers from mainland Turkey, and the severe economic dependency of the occupied areas. Turkey, a candidate country for EU accession, is ex- pected to grasp the opportunity offered by the cur- rent positive climate in Cyprus, abandon her intran- sigent position and contribute constructively to the process, by taking into consideration the real interests of all Cypriots. To this end Turkey must urgently ter- minate the occupation and the presence of settlers in Cyprus, safeguard the unity of Cyprus and con- tribute to the restoration and respect of human rights for all Cypriots. PHOTO: Stavros Ioannides, Press and Information Office