Imprisoned Graves

Markos Drakos He was born in Nicosia on 24.9.1932. He was killed in an ambush laid by the British at Sinaoros near Evrychou village on 18.1.1957. “God and my country call me, father. I ask for your blessing”. Gregor i s Af xent i ou He was born at Lyssi in the Famagusta district on 22.2.1928. He was burnt on 3.3.1957 in his hide- out near Machairas Monastery by British soldiers after a long battle with them. “If need be I shall fight and die as it befits a Greek but they will not take me alive”. Sty l i anos Lenas He was born at Handria in the Limassol district in 1932. He died in the Akrotiri military hospital on 28.3.1957 after being injured in battle at a place between Pelendri and Potamitissa on 17.2.1957. “I shall not live. I shall die for the freedom of Cyprus”. Kyr i akos Mat s i s He was born at Palechori in the Nicosia district on 23.1.1926. He fell fighting in his hide-out at Dikomo on 19.11.1958. “It is not for money that we are fighting but for virtue”.