The Concentration Camps

T he Concentration Camps were a place where over 3.000 EOKA free- dom fighters were held without trial, during the epic four-year struggle for independ- ence. The camps were established on Nazi lines in July 1955 and closed down on 22 nd February 1959, after the struggle came to an end. Until November 1955 the freedom fighters were held at Nicosia Central Prison and Kyrenia Castle. Subsequently, the British colonial powers set up the Kokkinotrimithia Camp and then those of Pyla and Polemi. Other places of mar- tyrdom for EOKA fighters were the camps at Pergamos, Mammari, Pyroi, Ayios Loucas, Limni and Agyrta. Political prisoners at a barrack of the Kokkinotrimithia Concentration Camp holding a model of a ship made by them. The photograph was taken in secret by a camera assembled at the detention centres