The battle at the Barn at Liopetri

CHRISTOS SAMARAS B orn in Liopetri vil- lage on 12 February 1925. He attended primary school up to the fourth form. His love for learning, religion and patriotism led him to learn a great deal from reading religious books and Greek History. He was a chanter at the village church. He was the founder of the Liopetri branch of OXEN (YMCA) and guided religious developments in the surrounding vil- lages. In 1954 he joined a secret organisation, which was plan- ning an armed uprising against colonial rule. In January 1955 he joined up with Gregoris Afxentiou. He worked to recruit EOKA members. In early March 1955 the first members of EOKA Liopetri took the oath of allegiance at his house. On 1st April he took part in the attack at Dhekelia head- ed by Afxentiou. On that very day he was placed on the wanted list and until his death there was a reward of 5000 pounds on his head. Throughout this period he developed action in the villages of Liopetri, Limnia, Ayios Sergios, Avgorou, Ormidia, Peristeronopigi, Gaidouras, Pyrga and Prastio. He fell at Liopetri Barn fighting for the ideals in which he believed from his earliest youth. Christos Samaras died with a smile on his lips