The Gregoris Afxentiou SAGA

In June he went to a natural cave in the “Kakotris” area in Karavas. On 10 June 1955 he married his fianc¤e Vasilou and the wedding ceremony was solemnized by priest Papastavros Papagathangelou. In July he met Stylianos Lenas and Costas Ioannou and the three of them constituted the first mountain guerilla group in Mavro Oros. He organized strike groups and carried out two operations, one in Ayirta which was very successful, and one at the Police Station of Lapithos, which was unsuccessful. In July, he moved to Kalograia high on the mountain, to the top of the hill named “Skali”; the group now consisted of Gregoris Afxentiou, Stylianos Lenas, Thasos Sofocleous, Costas Ioannou and Charalambos Kambouris. Photocopy of the Reward offered by the British for the capture of Afxentiou. Photis Papaphotis also belonged to the group which he joined from time to time. He organized the guerillas in the area. Two events connected to the group marked this period: (1) The capture of Michalakis Karaolis who was on his way to join the Afxentiou group. (2) The coming of traitor Hadzimitsis, an agent for the British. From Skali Afxentiou moved to Mavro Oros, to Mallina, where he made a winter hideout. O n 4 October he carried out a commando operation in daytime in the heart of Lefkoniko town, against the Police Station of Lefkoniko from which he snatched 9 army weapons, two greeners, rounds of ammunition, a wireless and helmets. Afxentiou was suspicious of Hatzimitsis. He asked him to kill a certain traitor but instead he left the group and REWARD í5.000 An amount of í5.000 five thousand pounds will be paid in cash as reward to any person who will provide information which may lead to the discovery and capture, alive or dead, of the wanted terrorist and deputy leader of EOKA, former Greek Army Officer.